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To paraphrase the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, the church has many parts and we need them all, working together, to form the whole. There are lots of opportunities to be involved at Christ Church and we believe that by getting involved you will feel part of the church and grow in discipleship. If you are new to Christ Church, we’d encourage you to worship with us for a while before joining a team. But do pray about the area in which you might feel called to serve.
Welcome team
What's Involved
Provide a friendly, informative welcome to people arriving on at each of the services at Northcourt Road, talk to visitors and newcomers after the service, introducing them to existing church members as appropriate. Most team members focus on one congregation. Be responsible for security of premises during and after your service. Prepare for communion on the appropriate services.
On rota usually once a month (10am at Long Furlong. 9:30am, 11:20am or 6:30pm at Northcourt Rd).
Gifts Needed
Love people; able to smile and offer a friendly welcome. Enjoy the challenge of remembering names. Knowledge of church activities.
Janice Wenninger (LF) or Janice Gordon (NCR) or – office@cca.uk.net
Pastoral support
What's Involved
Listening; prayer ministry with others from the team; regular group supervision and ongoing training.
As required
Gifts Needed
Love and care for people; desire to copy Jesus example as the Good Shepherd. Volunteers need a DBS check.
Janice Wenninger - lfpastoral@cca.uk.net
Alex Horlock – pastoral@cca.uk.net
Sunday morning refreshments
What's Involved
Join the teams providing refreshments between the morning services once a term. Prepare, serve, and clear up.
Once a month
Gifts Needed
Willing to serve others
Suzie Miles – office@cca.uk.net
Children's Work
What's Involved
Either leading a group or working as a helper or musician within our Long Furlong or Northcourt Road 0-4s & 5-11s groups on Sunday mornings, meeting in parallel to the 9.30 (NCR) & 10am (LF) Sunday service.
Flexible (twice/once a month), plus termly planning and prayer meetings.
Gifts Needed
Love children and want them to deepen their faith in Jesus; good communicator; you will need to be approved through our Safeguarding procedures, including DBS check and references.
Heather Hughes – heather.hughes@cca.uk.net
Shannon McCairns - shannon.mccairns@cca.uk.net
Youth Work
What's Involved
Assisting the youth team leaders in the midweek groups (11-14 and 14-18 year olds) or on Sunday mornings (11-14 year olds).
Once or twice a month.
Gifts Needed
Enjoy youth and want them to deepen their faith in Jesus; good communicator; you will need to be approved through our Safeguarding procedures, including DBS check and references.
Stephanie Addenbrooke stephanie.addenbrooke@cca.uk.net
Visiting Team
What's Involved
Visiting and listening to people in need, particularly the ill, bereaved and housebound. Hospital and home visiting.
A few hours a month.
Gifts Needed
Love and care for people; desire to copy Jesus' example as the Good Shepherd. Volunteers need a DBS check.
Sue Quantick - sue.quantick@cca.uk.net
Life Group Leader
What's Involved
Lead or co-lead a mid-week life group, help members deepen their faith in God; pastoral care, leading Bible studies, encouraging others to lead, praying for group members, encouraging outreach. Attend three life group leaders gatherings a year.
Weekly or fortnightly.
Gifts Needed
Pastoral – love people; can handle group dynamics; rooted in prayer; can lead Bible study & action.
Maureen Weston (NCR) – lifegroupsncr@cca.uk.net
Andrew Turner (LF) lifegroupslf@cca.uk.net
Sunday Driving Rota
What's Involved
Giving a lift to those unable to make their own way to church for the 11.15 service at Northcourt Road. (Rotas for other services could be initiated if a need becomes apparent.)
On rota, once a month.
Gifts Needed
Car and driving licence. Friendly – good with people. Volunteers need a DBS check. A new Driving Rota Co-ordinator is also needed.
Roland Knight - office@cca.uk.net
Prayer Ministry Team
What's Involved
Part of a team praying in pairs for people during Communion, at either the morning or evening service; gathering prior to the service to listen to the Lord; waiting on the Holy Spirit with each person.
Once a month.
Gifts Needed
A love for people; willing to pray for the Spirit’s leading and wait. Faith.
John Owen, Alex Horlock - prayerministry@cca.uk.net
BCP Communion Sidespeople
What's Involved
Assisting with stewarding at the BCP Communion service, held fortnightly on Sunday mornings at 8:00am.
On a rota.
Gifts Needed
A servant heart; a love for people.
Howard Delafield – office@cca.uk.net
New Wine Village Hosts
What's Involved
Acting as group contact and co-ordination point for the church's annual visit to New Wine in July or August.
Once a year, with administration during the year.
Gifts Needed
Good administration and co-ordination skills; able to manage large groups.
Paul Brombley - office@cca.uk.net
What's Involved
Strategic planning and decision making for the church. PCC Members are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting each Spring and serve a three year term. Most PCC members also have another role in the church.
PCC meets every other month. Deanery Synod reps also represent Christ Church at four or five meetings a year.
Gifts Needed
Strategic thinking; regularly attending Christ Church; able to take others’ views into account; prayerful. Some PCC members have a role in other bodies (Deanery Synod, MSG, CiA, etc.)
Keith Dunnett; Church Wardens – Andy Lowe, Cherry Tweed – keith.dunnett@cca.uk.net, andy.lowe@cca.uk.net, cherry.tweed@cca.uk.net
Sunday Sound
What's Involved
Assist the congregation in worshipping God, by setting up and operating the sound desk; attend rehearsal before the services (9:30am, 11:20am, 6:30pm).
Once a month.
Gifts Needed
Good hearing, an ear for music without necessarily being a musician, not afraid of technical matters. No previous experience required – full training given.
Jan Haywood - jan.haywood@cca.uk.net
Sunday Projection
What's Involved
Assist the congregation in worshipping God, by setting up and operating the projection equipment including EasyWorship; turn up early (9:30am, 11:20am, 6:30pm).
Once a month.
Gifts Needed
Computer literate, an enjoyment of worship songs helps! No previous experience required – full training given.
Jan Haywood - jan.haywood@cca.uk.net
IT Team
What's Involved
Provide IT support/knowledge for church IT equipment and activities. Help identify needs and form vision for ongoing work. Roles are still being identified as the group is at an early stage of formation!
By arrangement
Gifts Needed
Practical IT knowledge. Creative (possibly), Vision (probably!)
Phil Adams operations@cca.uk.net
Flower rota
What's Involved
Provide flowers for vases in church windows and in entrance hall, to create a welcoming and worshipful atmosphere.
Usually twice a year.
Gifts Needed
Creative and good at flower arranging.
Pat Greenaway - office@cca.uk.net
Worship team
What's Involved
Sung worship is an integral part of all the services at Christ Church. We have a wonderful team who are passionate about worshipping through music. We are always open to new members joining us. Our 9:30am and 6:30pm services have a band-led contemporary style, while our 11:20am service has a more traditional style.
The commitment to serving on a Sunday is usually every two to four weeks, as well as being available for rehearsals.
Gifts Needed
We are looking for instrumentalists and vocalists who are proficient musically and enjoy worshipping God in their own private devotions, as well as in church.
If you would like to know more, please contact Jan Haywood - jan.haywood@cca.uk.net,our Worship Pastor
Bible reading
What's Involved
Reading the Bible from the lectern in church at a service on Sunday that you would normally attend.
Once a term or more frequently if required.
Gifts Needed
A love of God’s Word; a clear voice which enables you to read the Bible aloud in way that brings God’s Word alive; a belief that God speaks to you through the Bible and a desire for others to hear His message.
Suzie Miles – office@cca.uk.net
Christmas choir
What's Involved
Being part of the 25-strong choir singing at the Carol Services.
Once a year. Involves several rehearsals plus two carol services on a Sunday before Christmas.
Gifts Needed
Very good singing voice. Ability to read sheet music an advantage.
Jan Haywood - jan.haywood@cca.uk.net
Graphic design
What's Involved
Assist the office or ministry / mission leaders in producing publicity for events.
Ad hoc
Gifts Needed
Knowledge of graphic design, graphic design software and how to use it.
Suzie Miles – office@cca.uk.net
The Barns Café
What's Involved
Serving the community with a fun and friendly team - meeting and greeting, working the dishwasher, the till, preparing food and the art of coffee making! Our vision is ‘to be a welcoming place that is a pleasure to come to, which demonstrates the love and values of Jesus and which succeeds as a business’.
Shifts are tailored to suit your circumstances. It can be one morning/lunchtime/afternoon weekly or fortnightly (Mon-Sat).
Gifts Needed
A heart for people and sharing God’s love in practical ways, hospitality, work well in a team and under pressure at times.
Annie Brooke - manager@thebarnscafe.co.uk
Roots (18-30)
What's Involved
Assisting with a group for those in the 18 - 30 age range.
Gifts Needed
The Roots Team - roots@cca.uk.net
Newcomers' Events
What's Involved
Cater for newcomers’ events, meet new people and introduce them to the church activities.
Once a term.
Gifts Needed
Depending on role – catering; friendly welcome; enjoy people.
Janice Wenninger (LF), Janice Gordon (NCR) – office@cca.uk.net
Missional communities
What's Involved
Lead or co-lead a midweek group or network gathering around a missional focus; seeking to draw others to faith in Christ and to help believers grow in faith.
Weekly or fortnightly.
Gifts Needed
Mission leader – hold a mission vision; love people; can handle group dynamics; rooted in prayer, Bible study & action. Missional Communities are led by a small team and across the team we need evangelists, pastors & teachers.
Keith Dunnett – keith.dunnett@cca.uk.net
Visiting Residential homes
What's Involved
Visiting as part of a team; help lead a service or a social event; chatting to the elderly residents, many of whom suffer from some degree of dementia; providing home baked cakes and tea/coffee.
A morning, or a morning and an afternoon, once a month.
Gifts Needed
Good listener; patience; good conversationalist; love of the elderly; Musical ability would be helpful. Volunteers will need a DBS check.
Sue Quantick - sue.quanitck@cca.uk.net
Footprints bereavement group
What's Involved
Setting up, serving, befriending, sharing your testimony. Willingness to offer time between meetings for one-to-one conversations also appreciated.
Once a month, 2nd Tuesday morning. Team meetings once in three months.
Gifts Needed
Sensitivity for those who have suffered bereavement – personal experience of bereavement helps. Willing to serve and chat! Volunteers will need a DBS check.
Pauline Croucher, Hilary Hart, Sue Quantick – sue.quantick@cca.uk.net
What's Involved
Various roles including welcoming clients, making up parcels, sorting donations, stock rotation, data entry, website skills, communication.
Foodbank opens to the public twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Behind the scenes work at other times.
Gifts Needed
Varies depending on role – a heart to serve, teamwork, practical sorting, organisational skills, computer skills.
Ruth Atkins – foodbank@cca.uk.net
Prison Team
What's Involved
Lead services or speak at the services in prison on Sundays.
Gifts Needed
Desire to help those in prison find the Lord.
Trevor & Karina Stevens – office@cca.uk.net
What's Involved
Befriending provides company for someone in their own home or out and about; Driving involves taking those with restricted mobility to and from the Friday Evening Social Group; Social Group Helper involves being available to listen and support people in engaging with others in a social context. Free parking available and mileage allowance paid.
Befriending: 1 hr a fortnight; Drivers & Social Group Helpers: 2hrs on 2nd & 4th Friday evenings.
Gifts Needed
Pastoral heart, good listener, ability to maintain clear boundaries; drivers with cars are needed to bring people to social gatherings.
Sheila Furlong – office@cca.uk.net
Sixty Plus
What's Involved
Join the committee, cater, set up and set down, lead events for people aged 60 and over.
Input over the period leading up to and on the day of the various events.
Gifts Needed
Depends on role: administration, hospitality, serving, pastoral.
Sue Quantick – sue.quantick@cca.uk.net
What's Involved
Assistance with various tasks around the church, such as: Gardening; Electrical; Carpentry; Plumbing; Bricklaying/concreting; Plastering; Painting and decorating; audio/visual; general DIY; Capital/major projects skills; Planning/quantity surveying; Cost estimating; Site management skills; Environmental issues; Health and safety; Fire risks; Other.
As available.
Gifts Needed
Servant heart; practical skills.
Phil Adams – operations@cca.uk.net
Occasional admin tasks
What's Involved
Photocopying, collating, folding, stapling.
Ad hoc.
Gifts Needed
Willing to serve, ability to be neat.
Suzie Miles – office@cca.uk.net
Catering Team
What's Involved
Organise teams to provide refreshments for special events as needed. Food preparation and serving, as part of a team.
Occasional – particularly Easter & Christmas.
Gifts Needed
Heart to serve others. Food hygiene training. Catering knowledge and experience.
Suzie Miles – office@cca.uk.net
What's Involved
Cater, set up and set down, lead a small group.
Once a year, over three months. If you are leading a small group this would be 10 midweek evenings plus a Saturday. If you are on the practical or catering teams it could be less often.
Gifts Needed
Varies depending on role: serving, catering, small group host, evangelist.
Keith Dunnett – keith.dunnett@cca.uk.net
This is by no means an exhaustive list and there are plenty of ways to get involved. If you'd like to know more, get in touch with the Church Office via the Contact Us page.
© Christ Church Abingdon 2025. Registered Charity No. 1153844.