Mission Support
The Mission Support Group (MSG) is a sub-group of the PCC. Its purposes are to: promote mission activity beyond the borders of Abingdon, create greater awareness of the world church, encourage prayer and financial support for selected mission partners, encourage and facilitate church members to participate in short or long-term mission, to set a budget and distribute funds allocated by the PCC.
Mission Partners
We currently partner with several people and organisations working in mission, within the UK and around the world, as they serve God in a variety of ways.
Chris & Suzy Wilson
CMS, Ethiopia
Andy & Andrea Warner
ECM, Spain
Martin Riddall
Agape UK
Tabitha Schieferdecker
Agape UK
S & J
Sarah Walker
Working with A Rocha International
Peter & Jane Dunn
Biglife Europe
Mission of the Month
The Mission of the Month is distributed with the weekly church email. Each month includes news from one of our mission partners about current projects & prayer requests. Printed copies are available in the church foyer.
Interested in Mission?
For further information about supporting or participating in short or long-term mission, in UK or overseas, please contact Stephen Russell-Smith (MSG Chairman) on msg@cca.uk.net.