Who We Are
We are an evangelical Anglican church plant in the heart of the Long Furlong community in the north of Abingdon, Oxfordshire. We are part of Christ Church, Abingdon, which also meets at Northcourt Road. We were planted in the early 1990’s to provide a strong witness for Christ on the Long Furlong estate. We still retain that focus, but draw people from a wider geographical area. We're a church with people of all ages and many backgrounds seeking to follow Jesus together. We'd love to welcome you too!

LF Sundays
We come together every Sunday at 10am in the hall at Long Furlong Primary School for a time of worship, prayer & teaching. The service is followed by refreshments and time of fellowship. During school holidays we have LF Together Sunday services where the children/youth remain in the main hall with the adults and are often included in the service whether that’s in the band, leading, prayers or other creative input. Around once a term we explore alternative ways of meeting on a Sunday morning whether that be through Wellspring (reflective/contemplative service), forest church or prayer walking.

Children & Youth
During term time we offer weekly Sunday groups for our Under 11s and weekly/fortnightly youth groups for 11-14s/15-18s. All children start in the main service beofre going out to their respective groups - Under 5s meet for Bubbles, Primary aged children meet for GodzKidz, 11-14s meet for Lazers and 15-18s meet fortnightly for 4Filled. We also have midweek youth groups that meet at our Northcourt Road site, bringing youth from both sites together. Visit our Kids and Youth pages for more details.

LF Leadership Team
We encourage everyone in church to get involved in some way. We are led by our Associate Vicars, with a wider leadership team (details here) who help to implement the vision and mission of Christ Church Long Furlong. We work very closely with our parent church at Christ Church Northcourt Road, where the Vicar has overall responsibility for the church plant.

Belonging Midweek
We love spending time together and not just on a Sunday! We have a variety of regular midweek groups that meet including Small Groups, Sixty Plus Groups, Toddler Groups and much more. Throughout the year we organise other social events, often including a church away day.
We’ve built a reputation of being a very friendly and welcoming church – we hope that’s your experience too! That friendship spills over into events during the week, and anyone is welcome to join in. Take a look at our various ministry pages linked above to see what goes on midweek.
We also have a wonderful community café based at our Northcourt Road site. The Barns Café has been open for 10 years and is staffed mainly by volunteers from both sites and the local community. Pop along for a locally ground coffee or visit their website for more details.
Our Long Furlong Pastoral Team is available to offer you prayer, comfort and support. You are welcome to email the team coordinator directly to explore what is available or feel unsure who to approach. There are times when we all need a listening ear and encouragement. We also have people available to offer visiting and home communion. Whatever your situation or need we are here to come alongside with the offer of loving pastoral care in a way that suits you.
Please email Janice Wenninger (LF Pastoral Care Team Coordinator) and she will contact you lfpastoral@cca.uk.net. For further details of what support our pastoral care team offer, take a look at our Pastoral Care Leaflet here.